About us


OA Governance Structure Sept 2021

Our aim is to have clear systems which allow everyone to understand how we work and how decisions are made. A culture of accountability is crucial to this.

Governance is delivered for all our academies through our Members and our Board of Trustees and its subcommittees setting clear objectives and systematic monitoring of progress. All those who have a role in the governance of Olive Academies are provided with induction, training and guidance so they understand their role and responsibilities.

Academy Advisory Boards (AAB) are established for each of our academies providing crucial community knowledge, advice and support. Senior leaders of mainstream schools are represented on each AAB. Partnership with local schools and other organisations is crucial to the success of our students and our academies.

Academies are publicly funded schools. Alternative provision academies are funded directly from the government as well as local authorities. Olive Academies is a charitable company limited by guarantee - number 08747464 registered in England & Wales.

More details of our governance structure and how the trust functions can be found in our Scheme of Delegation, our policies and our financial and governance documents.