About us

Who we are

Adam Tedesco

Adam Tedesco

Deputy Chief Executive

Adam is responsible for the strategic development of the trust and has been instrumental in growing Olive Academies into one of the leading MATs within the AP sector.

He has expertise in all forms of inclusive practice and is committed to altering students’ life chances by promoting fully inclusive education. This passion has led to the development and implementation of a continuum of outreach that is now being used across local authorities within the south east of England. This work has gone on to influence best practice nationally through the SEND and AP reforms, with Adam providing AP subject matter expertise as part of REACh consortium working in partnership with the DfE to deliver its Change Programme, working with 32 local authorities in all 9 DfE regions.

Adam has over 20 years’ experience as a MAT leader, headteacher, senior leader and school improvement consultant in some of the most challenging alternative provision settings and inner-city schools. He continues to support numerous mainstream schools, PRUs and alternative providers across the country, offering strategic advice to help them secure rapid and sustained improvement.

Adam is also a member of Suffolk’s SEND Improvement Board, a member of the National High Needs Funding Group, a Trustee of the Chantry School and a School Improvement Partner for mainstream secondary schools, PRUs and APs.

I am passionate that every child, regardless of their social or economic background, has the right to a high-quality education where they are supported to achieve to the best of their abilities.

Adam Tedesco, Deputy Chief Executive