I am thrilled to bring you our latest update on Olive Academies Foundation. Our work as a charity has continued to grow and develop and I’m pleased to report our total fundraising efforts have now amounted to over £45,000 since we launched in March 2022. These contributions, by supporters such as you, have meant that many Olive AP students have taken part in Venture Beyond projects.
Venture Beyond projects are devised in partnership with our academy leaders. Every project is tailored so each student develops essential life skills that will help as they navigate their next steps through education and training.
I’d also like to extend a personal invitation to our next fundraising event: The Olive Walk. It is taking place on the afternoon of Saturday 6th July at Thorndon Country Park, near Brentwood in Essex. We’d absolutely love it if you could join us. Read on to find out more about how to sign-up and help us in our fundraising efforts.
I hope you enjoy the newsletter and may I take this opportunity to extend my personal thanks for your valued support.
Glyn Clark
Chair of Olive Academies Foundation

Our innovative Venture Beyond programme enables staff at our academies to take learning and development outside of the classroom and has supported students to undertake challenges beyond their imagination. Whilst every activity through the programme is different, they all have many common themes; to help build confidence, foster independence and provide the foundations for adulthood.

Hitting the slopes
Through funding from OA Foundation, our Havering academy has been able to provide some of their pupils with a unique experience during the Spring term by enabling a group of five pupils to take part in a skiing trip in Italy. This trip offered pupils so much more than ‘just’ a skiing trip – it gave pupils a chance to learn and grow away from their usual routine and in a country new to all of them. They experienced many ‘firsts’, providing an opportunity to gain skills for life. In preparation for the trip, pupils participated in outdoor learning at a dry ski slope in Chatham, Kent, where they got to grips with skiing equipment, safety on the slopes, and practice skiing (and staying upright!) Additional thanks to the St James Place Foundation for funding these sessions.
Whilst on the trip, students were able to put what they’d learnt to the test, which was so much more than they had anticipated. Skiing on snow and with expert instructors meant their skiing came on in leaps and bounds with some students being able to take on a tough black run at Pila.
Throughout the experience, these pupils grew in resilience, developed social skills and many more essential life skills and this has paid dividends with their confidence as learners back at the Havering academy.
Everyone involved gained something from the experience:
- it was the first time Olive AP Academy - Havering had organised a residential trip overseas
- opportunities for growth were provided at every stage
- friendships have been formed for life.
The learning from such an enriching experience will extend far beyond the five days in the Italian Alps.
I know I’ve been really lucky. It was an amazing experience; totally different to anything I’d imagined or seen before. I really want to go back again with my family.
The instructor said I had the potential to become a ski instructor myself which I’d love to do. I managed to take on one of the hardest slopes, the black run, which was just
brilliant and the highlight for me. I’ve been on holiday before, but this was different. Really different.
Riley, Student

Going for Bronze
With Olive Academies Foundation funding plus support from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Access Without Limits programme, sixteen students from our academies in Nene Valley and Cambridge have made history as the first alternative provision students in the county to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award.
Under the expert guidance from academy staff and specialist centres, the students completed the required time in skill development (in cooking for many), volunteering (helping to repair motorbikes for the Gauntlet Project), and an adventurous expedition in Thetford Forest. The students planned their expedition and camped overnight and took part in an assault course, high-ropes, kayaking, and mountain biking.
The learning and skills developed through the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award provides them with a great foundation for the next steps towards education and employment such as resilience, teamwork and problem solving. It also benefits students’ health and mental wellbeing and allowed them to give back to their local communities through volunteering, .

Going green in Thurrock
Olive AP Academy – Thurrock has been funded by Olive Academies Foundation, together with support from the Country Land and Business Owners’ Association (CLA) Charitable Trust, to develop its Wellbeing Garden project. Students have been learning practical skills about growing fruit and vegetables as part of studying horticulture and also in their own time after school.
The funding has supported the academy to set up a large polytunnel on site and to buy gardening tools, seeds and plants so students can make the most of the chance to learn about soil preparation and crop growing. The learning from this project will continue into the next academic year.

Looking forward
Our current focus is on fundraising so that we can fund further opportunities for students.
Following the success of last year’s event, Olive Academies Foundation is holding its second sponsored walk; a 10km circular walk around Thorndon Country Park in Brentwood, Essex on the afternoon of Saturday 6thJuly. We’re hoping to raise around £5,000 to fund future Venture Beyond projects.
We’d love you to support us in some way, either by taking part, sharing the event or by sponsoring us!

Fundraise for Olive Academies Foundation
We’d also love to hear from anyone who may be considering taking on a fundraising challenge for Olive Academies Foundation. If you have a fundraising idea, please do get in touch (details below).
To find out more or to contribute to our plans for 2025 please contact us.
Email: info@oafoundation.org.uk
Phone: 01708 982624

Helping marginalised young people to secure a better future
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