Mark Vickers joins the DfE's National SEND and AP Implementation Board

We’re pleased to confirm that our CEO, Mark Vickers MBE, has been asked to join The National SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Implementation Board. The formation of the board is a significant milestone in the SEND and AP reforms, marking the start of implementation.

The board will provide essential challenge, advice and support on the delivery of the National SEND and AP Improvement Plan to enable Ministers to take informed decisions to improve children’s outcomes and parents’ and carers’ experience of the SEND and AP system.

Through its members, the board represents a broad range of interests and expertise relevant to SEND and AP, and links across to other related key programmes across education, health and social care. The operational and practical experience of members will help ensure that improvements are deliverable and effective while ensuring that the views of children, young people, parents and carers can be directly represented.

Mark Vickers MBE said: “Having been involved in the development of the SEND and AP improvement plan, it is an honour to have the opportunity to continue to support this work. It presents a wonderful opportunity to utilise the expertise and knowledge within Olive Academies and the wider alternative provision sector to provide feedback and insight on the delivery of the improvement plan and how this impacts end users.

“I have long been an advocate of educational reform that sees all children and young people appropriately supported to reach their full potential so it is a real privilege to be invited to join the board, helping to shape the national agenda.”