Olive Academies is proud to be the alternative provision lead for the consortium that will support the DfE with the delivery of a two-year programme to support the implementation of the SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan.
The Reaching Excellence and Ambition for all Children (REACh) consortium, led by PA Consulting in partnership with the Council for Disabled Children, Olive Academies Trust and IMPOWER, will implement, test and refine reforms introduced by the Improvement Plan – including (but not limited to) Local Area Inclusion Plans (LAIPs), improving the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) processes and strengthening mediation.
The consortium is committed to ensuring that the voice and experience of children, young people and families is embedded not only in the national change programme but also through local area activity, to improve the experience and outcomes for all.
At Olive Academies, we firmly believe that everyone has the right to a high-quality education and, with the right support in place, every child has the ability to achieve. Being part of the consortium is a welcome opportunity to utilise the extensive knowledge and expertise within our trust and the wider alternative provision sector to help shape the reform programme, ensuring it positively impacts the experience and outcomes of children and young people in alternative provision, and students with SEND.