Partnership working is at the core of our work and fundamental to ensuring successful outcomes for the children and young people we support.
At Olive Academies, we recognise that for too long pupil referral units and alternative provision academies have worked in isolation. We work hard to establish national, regional and local partnerships with mainstream schools, local authorities, local and national businesses, charities and community organisations.
These partnerships range from formal commissioning agreements to provide outreach and short term intervention work in mainstream schools, to working with charities to give specialist support to children and families, from representing the AP sector at the DfE's AP Stakeholder Group, to improving facilities in our academies as a result of donations from funders.
"We are extremely pleased to be partnered with Olive Academies and Havering Music School on our Innovate UK project to research and develop this exciting new virtual classroom ’SmartStudio’ technology application for music tuition."
Hugh Shepherd, Chief of Staff of FutureDJs
"In our experience the team at Olive Academies has always been responsible, professional and full of integrity. It has been and continues to be a very productive partnership"
Andrew Blake-Herbert, Chief Executive of Havering Council